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Visitors 10
Modified 25-Sep-24
Created 20-Jun-18
22 photos

On Day 5 we traversed the central highlands of Flores, largely blanketed by mist and cloud. Lagoons--as well as fellow hikers--appeared and disappeared from view. Finally a steep descent into Faja Grande, and a short walk to the fabulous Cascata do Poco do Bacalhau.
head in the clouds 1flora 1head in the clouds 2head in the clouds 3flora 2a little bird told melagoon 1dry lagoon 1dry lagoon 2flora 3head in the clouds 4head in the clouds 5head in the clouds 6head in the clouds 7Faja Grandetrick or tree?cliff, close-upFaja Grande 2Cascata do Poco do Bacalhau 1a little bird told me 2

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