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Visitors 24
Modified 25-Sep-24
Created 20-Jun-18
27 photos

After breakfast on Day 2, we were taken to a trailhead on the south-west coast, near Lajedo. The trail wound along the sheer clifftops, by rolling pastures, through the picturesque village of Mosterio, to scenic lookouts, and coffee in Fajazinha. We ended with a tour of a water mill used for grinding corn. Then a siesta in Cuada, followed by a private world-class dinner in Santa Cruz -- 6 stars!
flora 1Lajedofauna 1coastline 1coastline 2flora 2flora 3a white horse is not a white horsehorse on a hillcoastline 3house tile, Mosteiroredeemed pirate, Mosteirobrookboat at seacoastline 4coastline 5flora 4flora 5abandoned farmcoastline 6

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